Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Malo e lelei and welcome to Term 3.

We hit the ground running this week!  There are 10 weeks in the term.  A lot has started in terms of our learning:

*We are looking at preparing for our Student Led Conferences.  These take place on Wednesday and Thursday of next week.  A form has already come home with the children on the last week of school.
I will send out another booking form by Friday of this week.  Please remember to book in and come and listen to your children share about their learning so far this year.

*We have our Cultural Festival celebrations in week 6 of the term

*The children's R.E books will come home this week on Thursday.  Please ask your child to share their learning with you and sign the small comment box either with your name or a comment about the work that you have seen in their books.  The books should be returned to school the very next day.

*We have started our Read-a-thon again for the term.  The children have the same rules.  They are to read every day for the next 50 days including the weekend.  A letter explaining this will be sent home at the end of the week.

**Please do not hesitate to pop in and ask a question or two if needed about any of the above  information.

Thank you...

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